This model facilitates powerful transformation

What clients are saying about the work they did using this model…

Photo Credit: Liz DiSilva

I began working with Karen about two years ago. Self Soul Spirit has helped me most in clarifying and resolving long-standing inner conflicts. I have some parts that can really go to war with each other. But working with Karen, I can more clearly hear and understand what is going on inside me. That has helped me to live more peacefully and with greater self-love. Karen is a skilled, perceptive, and generous facilitator. She listens carefully and lays out clear next steps for the work. There is no question that I will continue doing parts work for the rest of my life as my Soul’s desires and intentions are clarified and the many parts/voices within learn to speak with honesty. 


Doing Self, Soul, Spirit work with Karen has been inspiring, insightful, and fun. It has helped me explore my self, soul, and spirit with a richness and depth that has been invigorating. Karen’s guidance of my individual work and the women’s group work has helped us experience some profound insight. Karen is a gentle, thoughtful, supportive guide; who does not hesitate to encourage, challenge, question, or bear witness to life’s peak, valleys, and plains. Through this work with Karen, I have a better understanding of what motivates me in life, how I relate to others, and how I want to show up in my life. 



Before starting this work, I had no idea how healing it would be. Having done this work within a supportive community of a women’s circle, and with Karen as an incredible facilitator, I can honestly say that I like and love myself more today than ever. In doing this work, I have come to learn that the part within myself, I call the Warrior, is to be appreciated instead of shunned. I learned that this part can be a Warrior for peace, she can stand up for other parts within me that aren’t as strong, and she can shut down the parts that are not serving me, like my judge and self critic. I will be forever grateful for a community of women and  Karen for this discovery and many other healing moments from our time together. 


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